Friday, February 26, 2016

March at the Library Arts Center

What should I say about March? That it's still winter. At this point most of the ice is gone from the streets so hopefully spring is on the way. However, winter, spring, summer, fall – things continue to happen at the Fosston Community Library Arts Center. On Wednesday, March 2, there will be a birthday party for Dr. Seuss at 3:30 p.m. Held in conjunction with Read Across America Day, the party will celebrate reading with cake and games. If you don't get your paper until later on Wednesday, it might be too late, but otherwise this is a fun activity for kids.
There will be a fun activity for adults when the library book club meets on Tuesday, March 8, at 7 p.m. with a Downton Abbey tea party to celebrate the final episode of the popular series. The book for the month is Barbara Taylor Brandford's Cavendon Hall, set in Edwardian Era England with a cast of characters who include the aristocratic Ingham family and the Swann family, who serve them. It may not quite be Downton Abbey, but it is close.
Another activity this month iis writers' group, which will meet Thursday, March 31, at 7:30 p.m. New members are always welcome.
Also, the third-grade musical will be performed in the theater on March 10 and 11. Alas, attendance is by invitation only, so unless you have a third-grader in your life, you are probably out of luck.
Last month I introduced you to Jeff Olson, one of the new FCLAA board members elected in January. The other new member is Fosston native Barb Johnson. The daughter of Sheldon and Judy Mattson, Barb grew up in the area, but did live away for awhile, in Grand Forks and then in the Twin Cities. However, she and her husband Ryanell, who have three children, one still in high school, moved back here 17 years ago or so. For a while she operated a picture framing business, but for the past 6 years she has worked in Mentor for the Northwest Minnesota Multi County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, a nonprofit which helps folks obtain rental assistance and provides housing, as well as working in community development. Barb, whose hobbies are traveling and eating, says she excited to be on the FCLAA board and looks forward to serving.

Just a reminder – the Hot-Reads-for-Cold-Nights adult reading program continues through the month so stay warm, read a book, and remember – next month is April.

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