Tuesday, February 4, 2020

February - still winter!

February – Valentine’s Day, Presidents Day, and still winter! This is Minnesota after all, so life doesn’t come to a standstill because of a little cold and snow.
The Fosston Community Library Arts Association elected officers and accepted new member Maggie Stewart to the board at its recent annual meeting. Other members of the board are Bonnie Stewart, Sarah Steinbrenner, Joann Papke, Molly Peltier, Dawn Skeie-Crane, Jason Steinbrenner, Barbara Johnson, and Abby Pearson.
The FCLAA will be celebrating 40 years in 2020. There will be a brunch reception (10 a.m.- noon) on Saturday, February 29. Plans are to include present and past directors, artists, musicians, board members and volunteers in the celebration. The gallery exhibit for the month will be a display of past productions.
The Fosston Library has a special promotion during the month of February. You are invited to go on a blind date with a book. Books will be wrapped up in paper with a few hints as to the contents. Pick one, read it, and make some comments on the enclosed card. You just might find a new favorite with no danger of involving yourself in unsavory situations.
The Book Blizzard adult reading program will continue through the month. Read four books for a chance to win a prize. (The blind date book will count.)
Book club meets Tuesday, February 11 at 7 p.m. to discuss A Fireproof Home for the Bride by Amy Scheibe. I enjoyed the book with its late 1950s Fargo-Moorhead area setting, although I was a little bit puzzled by the description with the discussion questions which said it was set in southern Minnesota. Anyway, new members are always welcome, and there are also treats.
Crafternoon for kids will be Wednesday, Feb. 5, from 12:30-2:00 p.m. Make a fun Valentine craft. Those under eight must be accompanied by an adult or older caregiver.
Writers’ group will meet Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 7:30 p.m. New members are always welcome.
If you like to read the book before you see the movie, watch for a display at the library featuring books that are soon coming out as movies.  Or once you’ve seen the movie, you may want to read the book
Remember that the library will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, for Presidents Day.
And lastly, watch for upcoming details on the FCLAA’s first mystery dinner theater to be held March 7.