Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Writers' Group

In honor of the upcoming holiday, here's the poem I brought to the last meeting of the Fosston Writers' Group:

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Not long before Christmas
We went on a quest.
We wanted a fresh tree,
The one we’d like best.

So off in the pickup
We went to a place
To chop down our own tree -
The fun’s in the chase.

We found one so bushy
So full and so nice
It filled up the truck box
And cheap was the price.

My husband got busy
He trimmed it on top,
And also the bottom
He needed to chop.

It came in the front door.
It just was too big
To drag all through the house.
This was no little sprig.

It fit in the front room
With little space left.
Was the tilt to one side
All from the tree’s heft?

“There’s a crack in the stand,”
My husband exclaimed.
“We best buy a new one,”
He also proclaimed.

“Computer-designed,” it
Said on the label,
With some other claims, too,
Each one a fable.

It was quite a struggle;
We transferred the tree
To the super new stand.
We were now worry free.

After one night, we were
Ready to trim it.
With help from the grandkids
It soon could be lit.

The baby was napping
In his daddy’s arms.
The kittens slept soundly -
No cause for alarms.

Decorations were hung,
Lots near the bottom,
By the other three kids.
They all put on some.

We opened some presents
And did some cleaning.
Then looked at the tree - It
 Seemed to be leaning.

“Oh, no, it was like that,”
My husband replied.
“The wonderful tree stand
Will ever abide.”

A few minutes later,
Hearing a tinkle,
We rushed to the room
And saw a new wrinkle.

The tree had now fallen; 
It lay on its side -
Ornaments all scattered
So far and so wide.

With huffing and puffing
We righted the tree,
Redecorated it
Swell as can be.

‘Twas only a moment 
The tree stood upright.
Again it fell over.
There was no delight.

We vacuumed up needles,
Also some water.
Those tree stand designers
We wanted to slaughter.

And after that Christmas
We went to the store
And we bought a fake tree 
To use evermore.
                                            ---Kay Carlsen

Thursday, December 5, 2013

December at the Arts Center

Ah, December - winter is here, Christmas is coming, and there are some exciting events on the calendar at the Fosston Community Library Art Center.
The Great Northern Radio Show is coming to Fosston.  This live stage production featuring musicians, storytellers, and radio theater will be broadcast from the arts center theater on Saturday, Dec. 14. The show begins at 5 p.m. but audience members must by seated by 4:30. Hosted by Aaron Brown, author and college instructor, the program, which was launched in October 2011, has been produced at various sites throughout northern Minnesota.  The featured musical guests for the performance will be Reina del Cid & the Cidizens.  You may want to listen to KBXE (90.5) for more details on this special event.
On Sunday, Dec. 8, at 7 p.m. Orland Aspen’s vocal students will present their annual Christmas recital. Students of all ages will be singing some of your favorite Christmas songs to help you get into that holiday spirit. Refreshments will be served at this free program.
The book club will also be thinking Christmas when  it meets on Tuesday, Dec. 10, at 7 p.m. This month’s selection is The Christmas Sweater by Glen Beck. Pick up a copy of the book at the library and join us. There will be coffee and maybe some goodies too.
Writers’ group will be meeting on Thursday, Dec. 5, at 7:30 p.m. Will there be a Christmas theme? One never knows, but it’s always interesting to see what the members have brought to share with the group. If you think you might be interested, come and see what it’s all about. You don’t even need to bring any of your writing, at least the first time you come.
If you are interested in making your own gift tags, Cheryl Winkelmann will be at the library at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 12, to help you do just that. This craft is suitable for all ages.
Family fun time continues at the library every Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. December’s sessions include Deck the Halls on Dec. 4, Holiday BINGO on Dec. 11, and gift wrap activities on Dec. 18.
The library will be closing at noon on Dec. 24 and will of course be closed Christmas Day. It will be open regular hours for the rest of that week.  On New Year’s Eve, the library will close at 5 p.m. and will be closed on New Year’s Day as well.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Once again - a successful auction for the arts

The stage was set as a schoolroom.

After all, Mrs. Lohmeier, the auctioneer, taught English in Fosston for many years.

Alyssa and Leandra Dalen provided some pre-auction music.

The Fosston Athenian Club provided refreshments with some contributions by the FCLAA board.

More than $12,000 was raised for the Fosston Community Library Arts Association at Sunday's event.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Auction for the Arts Coming Soon

I want to remind everyone about the Daisy Hagen Auction for the Arts coming up on Sunday, December 1. There is a Facebook page if you wish to see what is being offered for sale. Go to and like this page.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

November at the Art Center

While November usually brings a lot of dark and gloomy days, we can still be thankful - it’s good reading weather. Plus there are some fun activities scheduled at the Fosston Community Library Arts Center.
On Wednesday, Nov. 6, from 2-5 p.m., there will be free family portraits taken at the library. Each participant is required to have (or to sign up for) a current LARL library card, and those are free too. If you wish to have prints made from the photos taken, bring in a flash drive or a writable CD, and the photo files will be copied for you to have.
Book club meets on Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m. This month’s book is The Graveyard Book  by Neil Gaiman, a children’s fantasy novel set in a graveyard. While not a book I would have selected to read, once I got into it, I really enjoyed it. New members are welcome.
There will be a special event on Thursday, Nov. 21, at 7 p.m. when Bonnie Stewart will present a holiday workshop featuring menu ideas with wine pairings. Find out what wines to serve with various cheeses and/or chocolate.  Space is limited so preregistration is required. Call the library at 435-1320. Also put this on your calendar: The Daisy Hagen Auction for the Arts will be held Sunday, December 1. This biennial event is the FCLAA’s big fund-raiser with a number of donated items on the auction block: quilts, a cabin weekend, framed art, hand-woven baskets, baked goods, woodworking and much more. Items are available for view at 1 p.m. with the auction slated to begin at 2. Lynda Lohmeier will be the auctioneer. Refreshments will be served by the Fosston Athenian Club.
If you have preschoolers, here is an item of interest to you: beginning this month, story time will be offered twice weekly. So many little ones have been showing up Friday mornings that they hardly fit into the room, so a second session with the same theme will be held Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m.
Writers’ group will not meet in November because of the Thanksgiving holiday. Instead plan to come Thursday , Dec. 5, at 7:30 p.m. Again, new members are welcome any time.
Lastly, a reminder: The library will be closed Monday, Nov. 11, for Veterans Day, and, of course, Thursday, November 28, which is Thanksgiving Day.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Now at the Sorenson Gallery

 Works by Karen Dearing are currently on display at the Sorenson Gallery.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October at the Library Arts Center

I have two things to say about October: 1) How can it be here already when school just started last week?
2) BOOK SALE!  Yes, it’s time for the annual used book sale in the basement of the Fosston Library. The selection of books is great with something for everyone, and nothing is priced at more than a dollar. Proceeds go toward library programming. Shop early for best selection.
Of course, I actually have several more things to say about what’s going on in October at the Fosston Community Library Arts Center.
Featured in the gallery is a display by local artist Karen Dearing. There are papier-mâché bowls, collages and assemblage work. Come and take a look; then go shopping in the basement.
There are two special musical programs during the month.  The Galactic Cowboy Orchestra will be performing on Friday, Oct. 4, at 7 p.m. This four-piece ensemble plays what is described as “an eclectic mix of original and traditional country-edged, jazz/fusion instrumental pieces.”  Then, on Wednesday, Oct. 30, singer/songwriter Kevin Bowe will perform at 7 p.m. Bowe was raised in rural Minnesota and has performed with a number of different bands. His style is described as “roots/Americana.”
In conjunction with Teen Read Week, there will be a special program of interest to adults too as paranormal researcher Chad Lewis will do a presentation on Minnesota’s Most Haunted Locations on Friday, Oct. 18, at 7 p.m. Lewis spoke here several years ago and drew a standing-room-only crowd, so you may want to come early to get a good seat.
Book club will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 8, at 7 p.m. This month’s selection is Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. It’s a good one.
Keep in mind that the Daisy Hagen Auction for the Arts will be held on Sunday, Dec. 1, at 1 p.m. If you are interested in donating something, contact Sandy Johnson (435-1600) or Sarah Steinbrenner 435-6504). Sandy and Sarah, both members of the FCLAA board, have taken on the task of being in charge of the auction this year. FYI, other members of the board are Orland Aspen, Wonell Miller, Ray Miller, Keri Mireault, Becky Overmoe, Jeanne Rains, Bernadette Sorenson, Bonnie Stewart and Scot Wilson.
Here’s one last little tidbit: The library will be closed on Columbus Day, Monday, Oct. 14, while the staff attends an all-day workshop.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

And It's September

September is here, school is starting, the days are shorter, and, hopefully, the weather will be cooler. Fall activities will be starting up at the Fosston Community Library Arts Center.
Music lessons will be resuming throughout the month. Some of the instructors have only a limited number of openings for new students, so I suggest you contact them directly. Here is the contact information:
Eric Olson (guitar, bass and drums) - or 218-694-2687;
Jeff Menten, member of American String Teachers Association, (violin, viola, cello, mandolin, upright bass)  218-255-5218 or; Orland Aspen (voice) - or 435-6791;
Kay Carlsen (piano) - or 435-6710;  Lora Lee Saeter (piano) or 435-1422.
If you are an aspiring writer, there are a couple opportunities for you this month. On Tuesday, Sept. 17, at 6:30 p.m. there will be a free poetry worship led by Minnesota poet and teacher, Becca Barniski. She teaches poetry, works as a freelance writer, and is a consultant in arts education for a number of schools, arts organizations and public agencies across the upper Midwest. This event is supported by Legacy Amendment funds.
After taking a break during the months of July and August, the library writers’ group will meet on Thursday, Sept. 26, at 7:30 p.m. New members are always welcome.
Book club will also resume, meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 7 p.m. The book for this month is Me Before You. I haven’t read it yet, but according to the information I got it tells the story of two very different characters: Lou, a small-town girl caught between dead-end jobs, and Will, a successful businessman who becomes wheelchair bound following an accident.
Looking ahead to October, the used book sale is coming up. Donations of books, CD’s, and DVDs can be brought to the library. Donate some now so you can shop in October.
Also coming up in October, The Galactic Cowboy Orchestra will be performing on Friday, Oct. 4, at 7 p.m. With violin, bass, guitar and drums, this should be an entertaining performance, so mark your calendar now.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Looking Good

The Fosston Library & Arts Center is looking good this summer, thanks to the landscaping project completed earlier by the local 4-H club. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

...And It's August

Oh, no! It’s already August, and summer is two-thirds over. It’s way too short a season for me, but I guess that makes me appreciate it all the more.
The best thing about August is it means it’s time for the musical Fiddler on the Roof at the Fosston Community Library Arts Center. Performances are scheduled for Thursday through Saturday, August 8-10, at 7 p.m. with a 3 p.m. Sunday matinee on August 11. Because all the originally scheduled performances have been sold out, an addition Saturday matinee has been scheduled for 1 p.m. If you don’t have your tickets yet, stop by Generations Clothing or call them at 435-1676. Hopefully they have some left; if not, you may need to look for a scalper.
Directed by Michelle Marx, this production involves more than 45 people, counting cast, company and crew. Actors range in age from five to 87. There will be a live band and wonderful music. Refreshment will be served at every performance, with extra special treats at the Sunday matinee.
I’m sure you are all familiar with the story or at least some of the music in Fiddler on the Roof.  As many of you probably remember, Fiddler was the first production of the FCLAA, probably about 1981. You will definitely want to see this new production of it.
In other news, the summer reading program continues into August, so there is still time for children to win prizes as they “Dig into Reading.” Remember, the more they read, the more chances they have to win one of the special grand prizes.
There are still a couple more SRP special programs coming up. On Wednesday, August 14, Professor Marvel will be performing his amazing archaeological adventure magic show at 2 p.m. He will perform amazing magical tricks and also discuss the magic and wonder contained in books that can be revealed by digging into reading.
The final summer reading program will involve water rather than dirt so I guess everyone will be diving rather than digging. On Wednesday, August 21, at 2 p.m. there will be a pool party at the Fosston Civic Center Pool. Door prizes will be awarded. Contact Tammi at the library for more information.
I would also like to mention that the FCLAA has a Web site at
You should take a look.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

July at the Art Center

July brings Independence Day, Fosston’s all-school reunion, and then, maybe, after all the hoopla, those lazy, hazy days of summer. At the Fosston Community Library Arts Center, the fun continues with the ongoing summer reading program, “Dig into Reading” and special programs every Wednesday .

On July 10, a naturalist from Itasca State Park will present the “Hole” Truth. Kids are invited to learn about animals that spend at least part of their lives underground - bears, badgers, woodchucks, and who knows what else. On July 17, the children can “Dig into Fossils,” watching a Bill Nye, the Science Guy, video and then making a fossil craft to take home. On July 24, Cheryl Winkelmann will be there for “Dig into Crafts” with a construction-themed craft project. On July 31, it’s another Science Guy video, this one on archeology, for “Dig into the Past,” followed by a chance for the kids to do some digging of their own. I wonder what they’ll find? All these programs are at 2 p.m.

Rehearsals for Fiddler on the Roof will be getting underway this month. One more cast member is needed - male, older teen or adult. This is a speaking part but there aren’t too many lines to learn. Also a number of props are needed - sewing machine (early 1900s), old metal buckets, Jewish menorah, old wooden cart/ wooden wheels, fiddle without strings, old suitcases & trunks. Contact Michelle Marx at or 435-1014 if you can help out with this.

The Fosston 4-H has completed the new landscaping around the library and it looks great. Pay special attention when you’re in the vicinity and if you know any of the 4-H members, thank them.

Thinking ahead - this is the year for the Daisy Hagen Auction for the Arts. Sandy Johnson and Sarah Steinbrenner will be in charge this year. It’s not too early to start planning what you might want to donate or what you can do to help. Lynda Lohmeier will again be the auctioneer.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Watercolor exhibit in the gallery

Watercolors by Phyllis Kalliokoski are currently on display at the Sorenson Gallery. Kalliokoski, a retired art teacher lives is from East Grand Forks. She has also exhibited at the Campbell Library in East Grand Fork, the Urban Stampede and Mayville State University and has been included in several exhibits sponsored by the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council.

Friday, May 31, 2013

June at the Arts Center

It’s June! Is it "busting out all over?" Well, I’m certainly enjoying seeing green instead of white outside my window, and there are a number things "busting out" at the Fosston Community Library Arts Center.

"Dig into Reading, " the 2013 summer reading program got underway on May 29 with a groundbreaking party complete with some heavy equipment. It’s not too late to sign up for the program - stop by the library to pick up a reading log and register for door prizes. All ages from toddlers through teens are welcome.

In conjunction with the summer reading program, there will be a number of special programs. Scheduled in June are the Concordia Science Academy with Graeme Wyllie on Thursday, June 6, "Dirty Harry" caterpillar craft on Wednesday, June 12, The Hidden World with Rydell and Glacial Ridge National Wildlife staff on Wednesday, June 19, and Eat Dirt with Cheryl Winkelman on Wednesday, June 26, all at 2 p.m.

On Friday, June 7, at 7 p.m. there will be a special theater production, "The Mad Adventures of Mr. Toad." Directed by Kristi Noel, the performance will feature 47 children, second through sixth graders. Kristi told me that last year there were 48 kids involved so it should be easier this year. There is no admission charge for this performance, although there will be a tip jar. The tips go to the FCLAA, although they should probably go to Kristi, for being willing to work with 47 children.

By the time you read this, there should be a new exhibit in the gallery - watercolor paintings by Phyllis Kallioski. Stop in and see it.

While you are there to view the paintings, take a look around outside the building. The local 4-H club is planning a landscaping project. They were scheduled to work on it last Friday so unless they were rained out, things should be looking pretty spiffy.

The writers’ group will be meeting Thursday, June 20, at 7:30 p.m. Anyone with an interest in writing is welcome to come. We will probably be taking July and August off, so this is the last opportunity for a couple of months.

I checked with Michelle Marx, director of the upcoming theater production of Fiddler on the Roof, and she told me they are off to a great start with a cast, but are still needing help in the areas of costuming and stage help. Rehearsals will begin in July and production dates are August 8-11. If you are interested in helping out, call Michelle at 435-1014.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

At the Sorenson Gallery

Just a few of the works now on display in the gallery  - done by Fosston High School students.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

May at the Art Center

Looking back at May FCLAA columns from previous years, I find several references to flowers blooming. This year, however, at least as I write this on April 24, we’re still hoping for all the snow to melt, and flowers don’t seem to be in the near future unless you buy them at the flower shop. Nonetheless, there are a number of enjoyable events taking place at the Fosston Community Library Arts Center this month.

There will be music! On Sunday, May 5, at 7 p.m., Orland Aspen’s vocal students will present their spring recital, and on Sunday, May 12, also at 7 p.m., my piano students will have a recital. The public is invited, refreshments will be served, and they are free. Then on Sunday, May 19, at 3 p.m. two men’s quartets from the Grand Forks area, Fall Creek and Minkota 4, will perform. This concert is sponsored by Northern Exposure to Lifelong Learning.

There will be book club! The selection for May for the Books & BonBons Book Club is The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane. Come to the library on Tuesday, May 7, at 7:30 for discussion and dessert, or just show up and have some dessert if you haven’t read the book.

There will be writers’ group! I’m not sure if this is the April meeting late or the May meeting early, but the writers’ group will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 1. New members are always welcome.

There will be a ground-breaking party! No, there isn’t any new construction planned, but the kickoff for the summer reading program, Dig into Reading, is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29, at 2 p.m. Once again there will be a chance for children to read books, win prizes and attend some special programs throughout the summer. To help promote this, Tammi will be busy speaking to school groups throughout the month.

There will be a new art show in the gallery! Works by 10 Fosston High School seniors may already be on display, and if they aren’t they will be soon. Come and view paintings, drawings and sculpture by these talented young people.

Auditions for the summer theater production, Fiddler on the Roof, have been held this past week. Director Michelle Marx hopes to have the cast selected by midmonth. If you are interested in helping with the production in any way, contact her at
Remember, the library will be closed on Monday, May 27, for Memorial Day.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Festival of Tables

The Fourth of July Celebration Table by Carrie Nephew

Generosity by Thrivent Financial by Kristi Noel, Thrivent Financial Representative
Burlap & Pearl by Meghan Palubicki and the Red Poppy

All Aboard! by Quinn Olson of the Depot Cafe & Bakery (with Carolyn Reiwitzer)

Birds of Spring by Ann Offerdahl & Paula Swanson

It's the Bees Knees at the Farm by Carol Danielson

Grandma's Apron by Dorothy Killian, Gloria Steinbrenner and Mary Steinbrenner

What is black, white and READ all over? by Syndey, Katlyn and Marlys Balstad

Digging in to Reading! by Tammi Jalociec, Branch Librarian

Wicked Good Fun! by Ladies of the Lake (Betty Puffinberger, Jeanne Sanden, Marilyn Bren, Linda Walters, Kay Sandsmark and Dianne Hajicek)

Use Your Stuff by Vonny Lofstrand and Janice Paulson

Christmas Comes but Once a Year...or does it?! by Terisa Vig

Grandpa's Shed by Lisa Rosendahl

Minnesota Northwoods by Bonnie Albright with assistance from Barb Sather

The 12th annual Festival of Tables was a great success.

Friday, March 29, 2013

April at the Arts Center

April - and the burning question is: Will the snow be gone by the end of the month? One can only hope. There is no question about this though: there is a full schedule of events at the Fosston Community Library Arts Center.

Author-illustrator/musician Doug Wood, whose best known book is Old Turtle, will be at the elementary school on Monday and Tuesday, April 8 and 9. He will also be at the Arts Center Monday evening for a musical presentation and book talk. Time for the event is 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served.

Books & BonBons Book Club meets Tuesday, April 9, at 7 p.m. This month’s book is Defending Jacob by William Landay. I haven’t read it yet, but I’ve heard good things about it, and I know the dessert is always good. Come and join the conversation.

The twelfth annual Festival of Tables fund-raiser will take place on Saturday, April 13, at 11:30 a.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church here in Fosston. Tickets are available at the library or from Kim Wilson (435-6753) or Joan Dufault (435-6986). Buy in advance as there may not be any left by the day of the luncheon.

National Library Week is April 14-20 with several special events planned. On Monday, April 15, at 11 a.m., there will be a class for those of you who are not yet on Facebook but would like to be. Call the library (435-1320) to pre-register.

On Tuesday, April 16, at 7 p.m. author Wendell Affield will be at the library to talk about his book, Muddy Jungle Rivers. Affield is a Minnesota author and a Vietnam veteran, and his book is based on his experiences in the war. This event is co-sponsored by Fosston American Legion Post 114.

Then on Wednesday, April 17, at 1:30 p.m., Minnesota folk singer/songwriter Dennis Warner, will present a concert. Warner’s best-known song is "Beads on a String," which has been released as a children’s book. His concerts are suitable for all ages.

An extra special happening Friday, April 12, through Sunday, April 21, is the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council exhibit. This is a juried show of approximately 100 pieces from adult and student artists in the region. Viewing times are during library hours as well as from noon to 3 p.m. on Sunday, April 21. That same day there will be a reception from 1:30-3 with announcement of awards, music and refreshments.

And that’s not all - on Tuesday, April 23, at 1 p.m., historian Vickie Wendel, will be at the library with a program called "Fashion Trends and Issues: 1850s to 1920s. She will follow women’s fashions from the sewing machine to ready-made clothing ordered from a mail order catalog. This program is supported by Legacy Amendment funds, as is the Dennis Warner concert.

I also need to mention the current display of rosemaling in the Sorensen Gallery. If you haven’t yet seen it, be sure to stop by and take a look as it will be up only until April 10. There are some beautiful pieces painted by a number of local rosemalers.

And lastly, April is Food for Fines month at the library. If you have overdue fines yet to be paid, bring in a non-perishable food item and for each item, $2.00 will be taken off your fine. Food donated will go to the Fosston Loaves and Fishes food shelf.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

March - Events at the Fosston Library Arts Center

As I look out my window on the final day of February, I see a white landscape. Looking out another window, I see icicles that must be ten feet long. I’m hoping that by the end of March, the view will look different, not that I expect to see any green by then, but even brown would be a nice change. I can’t predict the weather, however, but I can tell you what is scheduled to go on at the Fosston Community Library Arts Center.

On Saturday, March 23, at 10:15 a.m., State Rep. Dean Urdahl will be at the Fosston Library, not to talk politics (at least I assume not) but to talk about the U.S. Dakota Conflict of 1862. Rep. Urdahl has written a trilogy about what is also known as the Sioux Uprising. The books are called Uprising, Retribution, and Pursuit. Urdahl, a retired teacher and coach, has served in the Minnesota House since 2002, representing District 18A. Originally from Litchfield, he currently lives in Grove City. His great-grandfather buried the Dakota Conflict’s first five victims.

The library will be the scene of an interesting competition on Tuesday, March 26, at 2 p.m. when it holds its first-ever teen-tween "Chopped " Challenge. This is a cooking contest for students in grades 6-12, working in teams of three. Each team will be given three ingredients and then have an hour to complete an appetizer, a main dish and a dessert. Winning team members will receive $2 off their library fines and first dibs on the door prizes. If you have a child or grandchild who likes to cook, encourage them to enter. Preregistration is required.

Books and BonBons book club will meet Tuesday, March 12, at 7 p.m. This month’s selection is entitled The Peach Keeper; the author is Sarah Addison Allen. I haven’t read it yet, but I’m hoping for a peach dessert. Writers’ group will not meet in March because of Holy Week, but will meet the Thursday, April 4, at 7:30 p.m.

The FCLAA membership drive is now in progress. If you would like to contribute but haven’t received a mailing on this, you may pick up a form at the art center. I promise you will not receive any annoying phone calls.

Just to give you a heads up, there are some exciting events on the agenda for April: Festival of Tables will be Saturday, April 13, Northwest Minnesota Arts Exhibition Wednesday-Sunday, April 17-21 with an artists’ reception and award ceremony on Sunday, and author Doug Woods will be at the elementary school Monday and Tuesday, April 8 & 9. with a presentation Monday evening at the Art Center.

Friday, February 1, 2013

February at the Fosston Library Arts Center

It’s February. I don’t know about you, but I’m more than ready to exchange my snowmen decorations for the hearts and flowers of Valentine’s Day.

Remember that the Hot Reads for Cold Nights adult winter reading program continues through the month of February. For every four books read, you have a chance to win a prize.

If you’re ready to get out and about, there will be a concert at the Fosston Library Arts Center on Thursday, February 7, at 7 p.m. Phil Heywood, Minnesota finger style guitarist, will perform as part of Lake Agassiz’s Regional Library’s The Beat Goes On series. Heywood, who is based in the Twin Cities, will present a broad range of music, including blues, folk and ragtime, as well as some of his original pieces. This free concert is supported by funds from the Minnesota Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

At the annual meeting of the FCLAA on January 9, the following officers were elected: President - Keri Mireault, Vice President - Scott Wilson, Secretary - Bonnie Stewart, and treasurer - Orland Aspen. Three new members were welcomed to the board.: Sandy Johnson, Bernadette Sorenson, and Becky Strobel.

Sandy Johnson has lived in the Fosston area for 38 years. Although she was involved in the initial development of the arts center, this is the first time she has served on the board. A graduate of Bemidji State University, Sandy was an early childhood - family life teacher in Bagley for many years, retiring last fall in order to pursue other interests. She volunteers at our local hospital, at the food shelf, and at the Family Crisis Center in Bagley. Her husband Rich, who taught biology at the Fosston High School for 33 years, now teaches at Northland College in Thief River Falls. They have a married daughter and two grandchildren.

Bernadette Sorenson has also been involved with the FCLAA since its early beginnings, working with her husband Ric to establish the Sorenson Gallery and serving on the board for several years awhile back. Originally from Jamestown, North Dakota, Bernadette moved to Fosston in 1968 and taught art and worked as an administrator in the Fosston school system for 35 years. She still works with the GED program there. She and Ric worked with the AFS program for many years and hosted an number of exchange students. She enjoys cooking, yoga and , of course, art, and is currently creating cut paper collages. The Sorensons’ two grown children live in the area, and they have three grandchildren. Bernadette told me, "Life is an adventure, no matter where it leads." Now it seems to have led her to a position on the FCLAA board.

The third new member, Becky Strobel, is in her third year as the instrumental music instructor in the Fosston school system. Originally from Glencoe, Minnesota, where her parents and two siblings still live, she is a graduate of Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter. During the summer months, she marches with the Govenaires Drum & Bugle Corp based in St. Peter. This group was founded in 1926 and in 2011 were national champions in their division. She is excited to be on the FCLAA board and be involved in the Fosston community.

Congratulations to the FCLAA theater committee, which has been selected for the Person of the Year Award. Michelle Marx, Scott Wilson, Wonell Miller and JoAnne Papke planned and spearheaded the major renovation project at the theater and well deserve this honor.

Other upcoming events at the library:

Tuesday, Feb. 12 - Books & BonBons Book Club - 7:00 p.m. This month’s book is Let’s Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson.

Monday, Feb. 18 - Presidents Day - library closed

Thursday, Feb. 28 - Writers’ group - 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 2013

January brings a new year and winter days with snow and cold - no better time to curl up by the fireplace with a good book. With the Hot Reads for Cold Nights adult reading program sponsored by the Fosston Library, that reading might result in your winning a prize. I know that sounds too good to be true, but just stop by the library and pick up an entry blank, read or listen to four books and be entered into the drawing. E-books also count, as do audio books. Every four books you read give you another chance at some great prizes.

Make one of those books Michael Frickstad’s The Storyteller and come to the Books & BonBons book club on Tuesday, January 8. We’ll talk about the book, and maybe a few other things as well, and enjoy some kind of yummy dessert provided by Tammi. The group meets at 7 p.m., and you don’t have to say anything if you’re too shy.

After taking a break in December, the writers’ group will resume meeting on Thursday, January 24, at 7:30 p.m. If you are interested in doing some writing but haven’t gotten started, this just might be the motivation you’re looking for. If you already are writing, we’d love to hear what you’re doing. Come and see what it’s all about - no costs or obligations.

The Fosston Community Library Arts Association will hold its annual meeting on Wednesday, January 9, at 7 p.m. Any member is welcome to attend, so you may want to come and get the inside scoop on all the things the organization does. If you’re not a member, you should be, and you’re welcome to join.

If you received an e-reader for Christmas, you should be aware that LARL has library e-books available for download. Go to or ask your friendly Fosston librarians for assistance.

If you‘re new to computers, the library can help you there too, with basic computer training available the second and fourth Mondays at 11 a.m. Call 435-1320 to register or for more information.

Just a reminder - the library will be closed on Monday, January 21, in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.