Thursday, June 30, 2016

July at the Fosston Community Library Arts Center

Henry James once said that the two most beautiful words in the English language were “summer afternoon.” I'm inclined to agree, but would maybe expand the phrase to “summer afternoon with a good book on the deck.” July is here so enjoy those summer afternoons while you can.
While you are at the Fosston Library picking out that book to enjoy on the deck, be sure to take a look at the new exhibit in the Sorenson Gallery. Fosston native Bonnie Josephson Lundorff is an accomplished fiber artist whose talents range from quilting to felting and applique. She has owned Willow Wood Market in Bemidji for over 19 years. Her works will be on display through July 25. While I'm not exactly sure what will be included, I'm confident it will be beautiful.
The summer reading program “Read for the Win” for ages 0-18 continues throughout the month. If your child hasn't yet signed up, it's not too late and if your baby is not quite reading yet, you get to read to your child and it still counts. Read 15 books or 15 hours and have a chance at some great prizes. Teens can turn in their reading sheets for every five books read and earn a book bag and a chance to win a tablet PC.
Special summer reading program events continue every Wednesday at 2 p.m. On July 13, the Fosston High School Robotics team will do a demonstration, and on July 20, there will be a presentation by local 4-H members. Originally scheduled for June 29, this has been postponed until after the fair. On July 27, participants will have a chance to play “Name that Book” and on August 3, there will be an Olympic Torch craft, which I don't think will involve any real flames. At all these events there will be a door prize drawing for a DG Blizzard compliments of the Fosston Dairy Queen.
Coming up on Tuesday, July 19, there will be a special craft event for the grownups – Stamping with Mary. Here's your chance to make your own greeting cards. The event is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. I don't know if there will be any door prizes at this one.

Unfortunately, I do have some bad news – the summer theater production has been canceled due to a shortage of actors. I'm disappointed and I'm sure many of the rest of you are too. Watch for a holiday show later in the fall and for now, enjoy those summer afternoons.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

June, June, June!

With summer vacation from school starting mid-May this year, it seems as if June has already been here for awhile; nonetheless, it's just getting started, and if your child hasn't yet signed up to Read for the Win in the Fosston Library summer reading program, there is still time. Remember, any child reading 15 books (or 15 hours) and submitting a completed reading log will receive a medal as well as a chance to win one of the grand prizes (Vtech Write & Learn or Tablet PC). Teens can earn a book bag for reading five books and also have a chance to win a tablet. Of course, everyone who reads can experience the best reward of all – the joy of reading.
Every Wednesday at 2 p.m. there will be a special program or activity with a a DQ Blizzard as the door prize. There will be giant board games on June 8, Itasca State Park staff with a presentation about frogs on June 15, winning snacks with Cheryl Winkelmann on June 22, and winning at the fair with 4-H on June 29. On July 6 there will be an engineering challenge: construct a house of cards.
June also brings a special concert. On Sunday, June 12, at 7 p.m. Deb McGregor of Bemidji will perform selections from her recently-released CD “The Other Side of the Window.” Singer, songwriter, pianist and storyteller are just a few of the hats McGregor wears. Several guest muscians will accompany her. Tickets are available at Generations as well as at the door.
Also coming up this month is a special two-part presentation by Caleb Curfman entitled “The First Minnesota: A Push to Unite.” A Fosston native, Curfman is studying history at Bemidji State University and has done quite a bit of research on the First Minnesota Regiment, drawing on letters and other primary sources in an effort to understand the period. If you are interested in the Civi War, this should be just the thing for you. The lectures are scheduled for 7 p.m. on Monday, June 20, and Tuesday, June 21.
The photography exhibit by Carol Hoyem will be in the Sorenson Gallery for the month of June. These pictures taken in Cuba are quite fascinating. You could travel there yourself, but you can look at these for free.

Carol Hoyem and her daughters have captured the flavor of contemporary Cuba.