Friday, July 10, 2015

It's July

It’s July - and the only downside I see is that the summer is a third over, June has been very pleasant so I’m hoping for more of the same kind of weather in the weeks ahead.
The big event coming up at the Fosston Community Library Art Center is the performance of Swingtime Canteen, this year’s summer musical. Directed by Michelle Marx, this USO show is filled with music from the 1940s. The publicity says, “Join MGM star Marian Ames and her live band from the Hollywood Canteen for the ‘rip-roaringest’ canteen show of them all. “ Dates are July 30 and 31, and August 1 and 2 with showtime set for 7 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and 3 p.m. on Sunday. Advance tickets are available at Generations (435-1676).
In conjunction with the musical, veterans (or their families) are invited to submit a paragraph about their service along with a picture for display during the production. These may be e-mailed to Michelle Marx at or dropped off at Generations. Veterans (plus one guest) will receive $1 off their ticket price, and Quilts of Valor will be presenting several quilts to chosen veterans at some of the shows.
The summer reading program, READ to the Rhythm!, continues at the library and there is still time for children to read enough books to be eligible for the prize drawings at the end of the summer. (And if you don’t want your child to win a drum set, just get over it.) Special events on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. included rhythm crafts with Cheryl Winkelmann on July 1, a dance party on July 8, Birding Beat with Itasca State Park staff on July 15, Zumba with Heidi Danos on July 22, and an instrument petting zoo with Paul and Molly Pelletier on July 29. Lots of fun things for the kiddies to do!
I’m happy to report that the bathroom remodel project in the library basement is nearly complete. They are useable (water, working fixtures and doors) although still lacking some finishing touches (mirrors, towel and toilet paper holders, etc.).
Also up and running is the new FCLAA Web site at .
The library was closed on July 4. You probably found something else to do that day anyway.