Friday, May 5, 2017

The Fifteenth Festival of Tables

Follow the Yellow Brick Road by Mary Steinbrenner, Gloria Steinbrenner and Dorothy Killian

Build a Better World by April Wedin, LARL Fosston

Childhood Games by Lisa Rosendahl

Live the Language by Paul Peltier

The Call of the Loon by Gerry LaVoi

Faux Elegance by Grace Rue

Apple Blossom by Mary Hanson

Refined Rabbits and Wild Voluptuous Violets by Carol Danielson

Minnesota Rust by Andrea Stordahl

April Showers Bring May Flowers by Amy Mulry and Lu Newell

Heidi by Heidi and Sarah Steinbrenner

Butterflies in Bloom by Tammi Jalowiec
Elegant Entertaining by Ladies of the Lake

Thursday, May 4, 2017

It's May, it's May!

As I write this on April 27, we seem to have relapsed into winter, and the landscape is looking mighty white. Hopefully by the time you read this, that should seem like a distant memory. When it’s May, it must be spring, right? At any rate, at the Fosston Library Arts Center, May always brings a veritable bouquet of opportunities.
Music, music, music! There are three recitals scheduled for your listening pleasure.  On Sunday, May 7, Orland Aspen’s vocal students will present their spring recital. The following weekend there will be two piano recitals. Molly Peltier’s students will perform on Saturday, May 13, at a time to be announced, and my students will be performing on Sunday, May 14, at 7 p.m. They will be joined by Jeff Menton’s string students. Everyone is welcome, there is no admission fee, and refreshments will be served by the FCLAA hospitality committee.

 Summer reading program! (There must be something ironic about mentioning snow and summer in the same column, but anyway…) The kick-off for the summer reading program, “Build a Better World,” will be Wednesday, May 31, at 2 p.m. with Professor Marvel’s magic show. Children and teenagers who sign up and receive a reading log have a chance to win some great prizes in addition to the pleasure of reading books. There are programs each Wednesday – on June 7 the 4-H will be featured with games and projects led by Marlys Balstad.

 And if you adults are feeling left out, you don’t need to. The Sizzlin’ Summer Reads adult summer reading program runs June 1 – July 31, so you can have a shot at some prizes all your own.
 Registration for the children’s summer theater production of “Wizard of Oz” will be Wednesday, May 10, from 5-7 p.m. at the Civic Center. Christy Johnson is the director; the cast will be composed of third to sixth graders. Signup for summer arts activities will be at the same time.

Book club meets Tuesday, May 9, at 7 p.m. This month’s book is All Summer Long by Dorothea Benton Frank.

The afterschool chess club will have its end of the year gathering on Tuesday, May 16, There will be a tournament and refreshments. Students ages 10 and up are welcome.
Writers’ group will meet Thursday, May 25, at 7:30 p.m. Alison Opdahl will share her experiences printing a book with Createspace. If you have a laptop, bring it along and she will walk you through the process.

The student art in the Sorenson Gallery will be on display until mid-May. The new exhibit going up will be nature photographs by Mitch Hilliard of Lengby.

The library will be closed on Monday, May 29, in observance of Memorial Day.  There will be no story time on the preceding Friday, May 26.