Saturday, January 28, 2017

February at the Fosston Community Library Arts Center

It’s February, part of the season in Minnesota known as “Still Winter.” Or perhaps, this is simply “Winter,” with “Still Winter” coming in March and April. Be that as it may, there is some exciting news at the Fosston Library – a new employee.

The new library assistant is Carol Ricke. She is new to Fosston, having moved here from Lake Park in September. Her husband Kevin is now superintendent of the Fosston school district. Her previous experience with LARL was as a volunteer at the Lake Park Link Site. Originally from Sebeka, Carol attended Bemidji State University and worked as a Title I teacher at Lake Park-Audubon for 10 years. She and her husband have two grown daughters, as well as a cat and a dog. Her hobbies are quilting, crocheting, and of course, reading. Carol thinks the Fosston Library is very nice and is looking forward to working here.

The Fosston Community Library Arts Association board also has a couple of new members, who were elected at the annual meeting in January. They are Sarah Steinbrenner and Dawn Crane. Sarah, who teaches art at the Fosston High School, has served on the board previously. Watch for some information about Dawn in next month’s column.

Officers for the coming year are Bonnie Stewart, president; Michelle Johnson, vice president; Joann Papke, secretary; and Molly Peltier, treasurer. Other board members are Orland Aspen and Barbara Johnson. Outgoing members were Jeanne Rains, Ray Miller and Becky Overmoe. We thank them.

Beginning February 15, there will be a new exhibit in the Sorenson Gallery. Paintings by Jane Berg of Mahnomen will be on display. She describes her paintings as “colorful reflections of my influences in nature and in Minnesota.”

There will be a special story time on Friday, Feb. 3, to help promote 1,000 Books before Kindergarten.  Preschool story time is held every Friday morning at 10:30.

Book Club meets Tuesday, February 14, at 7 p.m. This month’s book is The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. Bring a sweet to share and enjoy some lively discussion.

Writers’ group will meet Thursday, February 23, at 7:30 p.m.  New members are always welcome.

The Hot Reads for Cold Nights adult reading program continues through the month of February. Sign up at the library or on-line at

And one last reminder: the library will be closed on Monday, Feb. 20, for Presidents Day.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Metal Men are here

Leon Bitker, also known as the Rose Man, has been making roses for years.

Jeffrey Olson from Olson Iron Works is a metal artist who uses a forge, anvil and other traditional blacksmithing tools to create ornamental metal sculpture and jewelry.
Tony Roed of Fosston describes himself as a traditional blacksmith with a modern twist.

Jerry Hobbs from New York Mills specializes in making traditional hunter/outdoorsman style of blades.

All of these metal artists have work currently on display in the Sorenson Gallery.