Thursday, April 22, 2010

Festival of Tables

The Festival of Tables on Saturday, April 17, was another successful fund-raiser for the FCLAA with 16 beautifully set tables, great food, piano music by Leandra Dalen, and a sell-out crowd.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April at the Arts Center

We seem to have spring, with warmer temperatures, birds singing, and (Dare I write this?) all the snow gone. If the proverbial April showers come, we may even have some green grass before long. If those same April showers keep you indoors, don’t worry - events at the Fosston Community Library Arts Center will go on as scheduled.
There’s a great concert coming up on Thursday, April 8, at 7 p.m. when the Minneapolis Guitar Quartet will appear in the arts center auditorium. Founded in 1986, the MGQ has performed throughout the United States with a repertoire ranging from Renaissance and Baroque to Spanish, Latin American and Romantic music. I have not heard them, but I did talk to someone who had been to their performances in Bemidji and in Minneapolis, and he said they were excellent. Admission is free, and the programming is supported in part by the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Another wonderful event coming up on April 17 is the ninth annual Festival of Tables luncheon. Held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, the festival is a fundraiser to benefit the FCLAA. The doors will open at 11:30 a.m. so those in attendance have a chance to view the 15 creatively set tables before the noon luncheon. There are raffles and door prizes - it’s always an enjoyable spring outing. Tickets ($20) are available at the Fosston Library (435-1320) or by calling Kim (435-6753) or Joan (435-6986).
The Hot Reads for Cold Nights adult reading program is over. Of course, you can still keep reading - you just won’t win any prizes for doing so. Prize winners were Erin Green, Betty Syverson, Desiree Jevning, Christian Green, Delores Syverson, Beverlee Ostenaa, Dianne Christopherson, Jenny Illies, Sarah Lawton, Diane Vasilakes, Sheryl Magelssen, Arlene Brinkman, Marion Handy, Diane Omundson, Jeanie Stout, Michele Schoenborn, Ella Nordstrom, Gloria Illies, Lorelee O’Keefe, Melinda Larson, Cindy Green, Kari Keller and Paul Magelssen.
The Hope for Haiti benefit was an enjoyable evening that raised $948.89 to benefit Haiti earthquake victims. Thanks a bunch.
The writers’ group continues to meet the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. New members are welcome.